Brazilian wax
Brazilian Wax
Brazilian Wax
4-6 week routine clients only
A natural hair removal method using water, lemon, and sugar that is cooked into a paste. Better for sensitive skin, pregnancy, and allergies. 
4-6 week routine clients only
Brow wax
Virgin brows only
Perming lashes to a beautiful curled position and coloring them dark to make them really pop!
Perming lashes to a beautiful curled position
Laminating stubborn brows to make them appear fuller and straight
Coloring your brows to elimate greys or make your brows pop and appear fuller
Coloring your lashes to make them appear darker and decrease the use of mascara!
Bikini line includes backside
From brows to chin
Lip and chin for example
From bikini line down to feet
Either upper or lower leg
Either upper or lower
A natural hair removal method using water, lemon, and sugar that is cooked into a paste. Better for sensitive skin, pregnancy, and allergies.
A natural hair removal method using water, lemon, and sugar that is cooked into a paste. Better for sensitive skin, pregnancy, and allergies.